Lecturer in CUSAT kochi

Cochin University of Science and Technology offers vacancies for Lecturers in Engineering College.

1Mechanical Engineering1st Class B.Tech / M.Tech in the concerned branch
2Safety & Fire Engineering1st Class B.Tech / M.Tech in the concerned branch
3MathematicsPost Graduation in the concerned subject with 55% marks with NET. Candidates with M.Phil/Ph.D are exempted from NET

Duration:- Contract will be initially for one year or till regular appointment.

Salary:- A consolidated pay of Rs.18,000/- for candidates having B.Tech Degree, Rs.19,000/- for candidates having M.Tech and Rs.20,000/- for candidates having ph.D (with an annual increase of Rs.400/-).

Eligible candidatesare requested to send their application to :-
The Principal,
School of Engineering
Cochin University of Science and Technology

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IAS Prelims 2009 Results Published

The results for IAS prelims 2009 has been published by UPSC
Go to the 'Whats new' tab
Given are the Roll number ranges.
You have to click on your range of roll number link.

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MBA Exams-2009-10 Notifications

Indian Institute of Foreign Trade(IIFT)
Pattern of Admission Test
The admission test is a multiple choice objective type written test (in English).
Duration of the test is two hours and will cover English Comprehension, General Knowledge & Awareness, Logical Reasoning and Quantitative Analysis.

Important Dates
• Last date for Sale of Prospectus across the counter at IIFT : 3rd September 2009
• Last Date for Receipt of completed Applications : 3rd September 2009
• Written Test : 22nd November 2009 (10 a.m - 12 noon)

Commencement of :
online application form submission-7 Sept 2009

Last date for :
1) Online application form submission (website closure)--9 Oct 2009 (6.00pm)
2) Receipt of completed online application form at IISc Bangalore--16 Oct 2009

between 1000 and 1300 hours 13 Dec 2009

Announcement of RESULTS
4 Jan 2010

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Probationary Officers in Corporation Bank

Corporation Bank offers vacancies for 50 Probationary officers
(SC-7, ST-3, OBC-15, GEN-25, VH-3, HI-6, OH-1)

Educational Qualification : (Candidates whose result is waited are not eligible.
Second Class with 55% or more (45% for SC/ST/VH/HI/OH candidates) marks graduate from a recognised University or any equivalent examination recognised as such by the Government of India.

Age Limit : 21 years - 30 years as on 01.08.2009

Pay Scale : Rs. 10000-470/6-12820-500/3-14320-560/7-18240.

Application Fee :
Rs.300/- (Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PH candidates) to be deposited in the in A/c no. 0377/CA/01/696 for Probationary Officers

Important Dates : -

Opening date for On-line registration 18/08/2009
Last date for online registration 18/09/2009
Last date for receipt of Print out of the online application 25/09/2009
Last date for receipt of Print out of the online application from far-flung areas 01/10/2009
Date of Exam Sunday, 22 Nov 2009

Detailed advertisement given below

Apply online here

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Opportunities for Diploma holders in BARC,Mysore as Trainees.
Applications are invited for Stipendiary Trainees (Category I & II)
for training in BARC,Mysore.

Read for more details....

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Financial Service Executives in LIC
Nearly 100 Financial Services Executives are proposed to be engaged by various Offices of the LIC on Contract basis for 3 years .this appointments comes under the jurisdiction of the corresponding zonal offices.
More details given below

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Kerala PSC have vacancies for Engineers in KSRTC

Automobile and Mechanical Engineers have vacancies in KSRTC depots.
The total number of vacancies is 30.
More details are given here.

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DRDO -Technical Paper

DRDO SET is going to happen on september 6,2009.
Its time to get some exposition to the previous years question Paper.
The technical paper consists of 100 objective type questions covering the entire B-tech Syllabus.

Some questions from previous DRDO papers are given below

What is the Maximum clock frequency in 8086?
5 Mhz

What is Jitter?

Differentiate between static response and dynamic response?

If 100ns is Memory Access Time & 125 microsec is 1frame period. The no. of line that can be
supported in a Time Divison Switch is
a)125 Lines
b)625 Lines
c)525 Lines
d)465 Lines

Explain noise margin in Amplifiers?

The no. of edjes in disjoint Hamilton circuit in a complex graph with 17 edges is
a) 8
b) 9
c) 136
d) 17^2

Assume a system has 16MB cache mean Disk Access Time & cache Access time is 76.5 ns & 1.5 overall mean Access time us 465ms for each tripling the memory the miss rate is halved. The memory required to bring down the mean Access time to 24ns is
a) 16 MB
b) 24 MB
c) 32 MB
d) 48 MB

What are different types of micro processor architectures?

Average transfer speed of a i/p serial line is minimum 25,000 Bytes & maximum 60000 Bytes.Polling Strategy adopted takes 4microsec(whether there is any i/p byte or not). It is assured that byte that retrived from controller before next byte arrives are lost. Then the maximum safe polling interveal is
a) 12
b) 12.33
c) 12.67
d) 32

Expand CPLD and FPGA.

A harddisk has a rotation speed of 4500RPM. then the latency time is
a) .4
b) .6
c) .7
d) .9

Suppose all elements above the principal diagonal od n x n matix A are zero. If non zero elements of the lower triangular Matrix is stored in an array B with A[1][1] stored at B[1]. The addressing formula to the nonzero element in A[i][j]=?
a) A[i][j]
b) i(j-1)/2 +i
c) j(i-1)/2 +i
d) i(i-1)/2 +j

The minumum number of comparisons required to find the second smallest element in a 1000
element array is
a) 1008
b) 1010
c) 1999
d) 2000

The internal path length of a Bonary Tree with 10nodes is 25. The external path length is
a) 25
b) 35
c) 40
d) 45

Average No. of Comparisons required to sort 3 elements is
a) 2
b) 2.33
c) 2.67
d) 3

In a switch the mean arrival rate of packets is 800 Packets/sec and the the mean service rate is
925 Packets/sec
a) .008 Sec
b) .08 sec
c) .8 sec
d) 1.1 sec

What is Interface Control Information?

Expand HCMOS?
ans.High-density n- type Complimentary Metal Oxide Silicon field effect transistor.

The minumum no. of Multiplications needed to compute x^768 is
a) 9
b) 10
c) 425
d) 767

Give examples for Maskable interrupts?
ans.RST 7.5, RST6.5, RST5.5 are Maskable interrupts

Which of the following require a driver?

Explain the 4 segments of IP addresses.

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IIM Notification FAQ-6-August-2009

Important Dates:
Advertisement for CAT 2009: Sunday, 30 August 2009.(in leading newspapers)
Sale of vouchers: 9 September 2009 to Thursday, 1 October 2009
(available at leading banks)
Online Registration: 9 September 2009 to Thursday, 1 October 2009
(Information available in the voucher)
CAT 2009 Test Dates: 28 November 2009 – Monday, 7 December 20009.
* You can choose your test date, session and test center
* Number of sessions: Two daily morning & afternoon
* No. of Test Centers: 30 cities

What does this mean for CIO users?
1. Make up your mind which session day of the week, session and test
center works best for you! We have always stressed that practice Mock
CATs in the exact exam like scenario. If you have been most
comfortable writing Mock CATs in 10 am - 12:30 pm time slots, then you
must reserve that slot for yourself. If you are most comfortable being
at home before CAT 2009, then choose test center closest to your home.
If Sundays work best for you as the test 'day', try to book that day
for your CAT 2009.

2. Once you have made up your mind regarding test date, center and
session, get yourself registered online ASAP. Any delay may rob you
off of your most optimal environment for test taking and may very
adversely impact your performance!!

We are committed to your best performance in CAT 2009! Because in your
spectacular success lies our success!

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JMET notification published

oint Management Entrance Test (JMET ) is the first step in the process of admission to the TWO YEAR FULL TIME Postgraduate Degree Programmes in Management offered by the IITs. Currently IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Madras, and IIT Roorkee offer Programmes in Management.
The results of JMET provide a basis to each participating Institute to shortlist potential candidates for conducting its own selection process like, Group Discussion/Interview etc.

Important Dates

Commencement of :
online application form submission-7 Sept 2009

Last date for :
1) Online application form submission (website closure)--9 Oct 2009 (6.00pm)
2) Receipt of completed online application form at IISc Bangalore--16 Oct 2009


between 1000 and 1300 hours 13 Dec 2009

Announcement of RESULTS
4 Jan 2010

How to apply

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Opportunity in Indian Air Force Technical branches
Application form is given here.Click on the icon to download the form

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The following candidates have provisionally been qualified for Group Discussions and Interviews of East Zone

Download GD/PI Call-letter here

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The following candidates have provisionally been qualified for Group Discussions and Interviews of North Zone.

Download GD/PI call-letters here

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The following candidates have provisionally been qualified for Group Discussions and Interviews of North East Zone

Download GD/PI call letter here

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South Zone GD shortlist candidates
Candidates qualified for Group Discussions and Interviews of South Zone to be conducted with effect from 12 June 2009 to 19 June 2009.

Download GD/PI call-letter here

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Mathematics-Research Institutes in India
India has some world-class research institutes in the field of Mathematics.These institutes have nurtured a fair good collection of PhD holders and world class research fellows.But lots of people are oblivious about these research institutes and many are trying for universities abroad.
Here we give an introduction of these famous research institutes in India.

1.Chennai Mathematical Institute,Chennai
Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI)is a centre of excellence for teaching and research in the mathematical sciences. Founded in 1989 as part of the SPIC Science Foundation, it has been an autonomous institute since 1996.
The research groups in Mathematics and Computer Science at CMI are among the best known in the country. The Institute has nurtured an impressive collection of PhD students.

CMI offers the following programmes.

* B.Sc. (Hons.) in Mathematics and Computer Science (3 year integrated course).
* B.Sc. (Hons.) in Physics (3 year course).
* M.Sc. in Mathematics.
* M.Sc. in Applications of Mathematics.
* M.Sc. in Computer Science.
* Ph.D. in Mathematics.
* Ph.D. in Computer Science.
for more details read here

2.Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI),Allahabad
The Harish-Chandra Research Institute (HRI) is an institution dedicated to research in mathematics, and in theoretical physics. It is located in Allahabad, India, and is funded by the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India. You can learn more about the institute and ongoing activities by following links from the menu on the left.
The research subjects are Mathematics and Physics

Mathematics Research Topics

Geometry and topology
Number Theory

Physics Research Topics

Condensed Matter Physics
High Energy Physics
String Theory

For more details click here

3.The Institute of Mathematical Sciences,Chennai (IMSc)
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc) is a national institute for fundamental research in frontier disciplines of the mathematical and physical sciences: Theoretical Computer Science, Mathematics, and Theoretical Physics.

Mathematics Research Topics
The Mathematicians at IMSc work in the areas of
Algebraic geometry
Number theory
Partial Differential Equations
Schroedinger and Jacobi operators
Representation theory

Theoretical computer science (TCS)

Research is pursued in foundational areas of
Computer science, including Algorithms and Data Structures,
Automata Theory
Computational Complexity
Distributed Computing
Graph Theory and Combinatorics
Logics of Programs and Semantics.

Theoretical Physics

Condensed Matter Theory
High Energy Physics
Mathematical physics
Nonlinear Dynamics

Read more

4.Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,Mumbai

The Tata Institute is now a Deemed University and runs a Graduate Programme leading to award of a Ph.D. degree. Bright young students aspiring for a career of research in mathematics are invited to apply for Research Scholarships in the School of Mathematics of the Institute. With its distinguished faculty engaged in high quality research in a broad spectrum of areas, the School provides a stimulating environment for pursuing doctoral studies.

Research Topics

Real Analysis
Topology and Functional Analysis
Complex Analysis

For more details click here

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Non-IIM MBA Schools using CAT scores

There are lot of MBA institutes in India which takes CAT score as their criterion for admissions.So even if one doesn't get in to IIMs,still there is high chance to end up in some of prestigious MBA schools in India.Here is a list of Non-IIM MBA Schools using CAT scores

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Quantitative Problems for Bank Tests

Bank Probationary Officer Test has a Quantitative section whose difficulty will be much lesser than Competitive entrance exams like CAT,MAT etc.Here most important factor is your speed.so always try to practice more.Here we have some sample bank Quantitative questions

One night 18 percent of the female officers on a police force were on duty. If 180 officers were on duty that night and half of these were female officers, how many female officers were on the police force?
(A) 90
(B) 180
(C) 270
(D) 500
(E) 1,000

If an integer n is divisible by both 6 and 8, then it must also be divisible by which of the following?
(A) 10
(B) 12
(C) 14
(D) 16
(E) 18

On the number line, if x is halfway between -5 and 3, and if y is halfway between -2 and 6, what number is halfway between x and y ?
(A) -1
(C) 0
(E) 1

Out of their annual net income, a couple spent 25 percent for food, 13.5 percent for entertainment, 20 percent for housing, 8 percent for car expenses, 15 percent for clothing, and saved the rest. What was the ratio of the amount saved to the amount spent for entertainment?
(B) 6/5
(C) 37/27
(D) 19/9
(E) 7/3

If z+3/(z-1) + z+1/(z-3) =2, then z =
(A) 2
(B) 1
(C) -1
(D) -2
(E) -3

The population of city X increased from 325,000 in 1980 to 350,000 in 1990, and it is projected that the population will increase by the same number from 1990 to 2000. Approximately what is the projected percent increase in population from 1990 to 2000 ?
(A) 7.1%
(B) 7.7%
(C) 8.3%
(D) 14.3%
(E) 15.3%

Of the z students at a certain college, x are studying French and y are studying German. If w are studying both French and German, which of the following expresses the number of students at the college not studying either French or German ?
(A) z + w – x – y
(B) z – w – x – y
(C) z – w – x + y
(D) w + x + y – z
(E) w – x – y – z

Of the science books in a certain supply room, 50 are on botany, 65 are on zoology, 90 are on physics. 50 are on geology, and 110 are on chemistry. If science books are removed randomly from the supply room, how many must be removed to ensure that 80 of the books removed are on the same science?
(A) 81
(B) 159
(C) 166
(D) 285
(E) 324

A certain shade of gray paint is obtained by mixing 3 parts of white paint with 5 parts of black paint. If 2 gallons of the mixture is needed and the individual colors can be purchased only in one-gallon or half- gallon cans, what is the least amount of paint, in gallons, that must be purchased in order to measure out the portions needed for the mixture?
(A) 2
(B) 2.5
(C) 3
(D) 3.5
(E) 4

–2 (– 4 – (– 3 + 5)) =
(A) – 16
(B) – 10
(C) 6
(D) 12
(E) 16

On a certain test, 3 students each had a score of 90, 9 students each had a score of 80, 4 students each had a score of 70, and 4 students each had a score of 60. What was the average (arithmetic mean) score for the 20 students ?
(A) 70.5
(B) 75.0
(C) 75.5
(D) 80.0
(E) 80.5

. In the manufacture of a certain product, 5 percent of the units produced are defective and 4 percent of the defective units are shipped for sale. What percent of the units produced are defective units that are shipped for sale?
(A) 0.125%
(B) 0.2%
(C) 0.8%
(D) 1.25%
(E) 2.0%

The numbers in which of the following pairs do NOT have a pair of distinct prime divisors in common ?
(A) 10 and 20
(B) 12 and 18
(C) 24 and 32
(D) 21 and 63
(E) 22 and 88.

A certain fraction is equivalent to 2/5 . If the numerator of the fraction is increased by 4 and the denominator is doubled, the new fraction is equivalent to 1/3 . What is the sum of the numerator and denominator of the original fraction?
(A) 49
(B) 35
(C) 28
(D) 26
(E) 21

If all of the telephone extensions in a certain company must be even numbers, and if each of the extensions uses all four of the digits 1, 2, 3, and 6, what is the greatest number of four-digit extensions that the company can have?
(A) 4
(B) 6
(C) 12
(D) 16
(E) 24

The product of the first twelve positive integers is divisible by all of the following EXCEPT
(A) 210
(B) 88
(C) 75
(D) 60
(E) 34

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MAT Notification -Paper-Pencil Test & Computer Based Test
Candidate can choose any one of the two options to take the test:
Paper- Pencil Test (Offline Test)
Computer Based Test-(Online Test)

For more details and application see below

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Latest Govt Job Opportunities

National Institute of Ocean Technology

National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), Chennai, a technical arm of the
Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India, is functioning with the broad objective of promoting technology development in various mission mode project activities related to Ocean Engineering and Ocean Resource Exploitation.
read more..

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)


ISRO is looking for young, dynamic and dedicated administrative staff in the Pay Band of Rs.5200-20200/- alongwith Grade Pay of Rs.2,400/- for Centres/Units across India for supporting the Scientists/Engineers in their challenging tasks ahead and realizing the goals.
For applying online click here

Bureau of Indian Standards(BIS)

Applications are invited from ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES for filling up the existing vacancies
and preparing a panel for future vacancies to the under mentioned posts for office of this
Bureau (BIS), functioning under the administrative control of Ministry of Consumer Affairs,
Food & Public Distribution, Govt. of India, located at New Delhi and its various Branch Offices
spread all over India.
read more..

Electronics Corporation of India Limited

Electronics Corporation of India Limited, is a leading Public Sector Company in the area of Strategic Electronics with thrust on innovation & indigenization. A technology leader and pioneer, engineers at ECIL have opportunities to work in some of the most exciting national and international projects in Nuclear, Defence, Space, Security, Telecom, IT, Medical and e-governance sectors in the functional areas of Design & Development, Project execution, Engineering, Production, Testing & qualification, Marketing and maintenance.
ECIL requires graduate engineering trainees read more..

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Concepts in Unit Digits for CAT QA and DI
Unit digit concepts play a lot of time saving tricks in the CAT format.We can use the concept of unit digits in eliminating answer options in all the objective type competitive examinations.

The unit digit has got huge significance when it comes to eliminate the answer options.Lot of questions involving rigorous multiplications can be solved within no time by eliminating the answer options

CASE 1...

Lets take the case of the product of two successive numbers,n(n+1)
We will see the possible unit digits of the products.


we can see that, the unit digits of products of successive numbers will end in 0,2,6 only.
Now we have the formula for sum of first n natural numbers, n(n+1)/2
So we will see the possible unit digits for these products.
We know that,n(n+1) ends in 0,2,6.
So we consider the possible digits, we will get, when we divides n(n+1) by 2.
0 gives 0,5
2 gives 1,6
6 gives 3,8
So these are the possible unit digits for the sum of first n natural numbers.

*Product of successive numbers,n(n+1) ends in 0,2,6

*The sum of first n, natural numbers will never end in 2,4,7,9

*Perfect squares never end in 2,3,7,8

*If there are n terms in an AP, the difference between sum of odd terms and sum of even terms is (n/2)*d where d is the common difference.

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CAT Lessons-Progressions

Progressions is a comparatively easy section that comes in CAT.
Once you understand the concepts in progressions, you can answer almost all the questions. Identifying that the questions belong to progressions is the most difficult part. Now we can go to the detailed study of the Progressions.
For a person aiming very high score in QA section,I would advise that he should definitely do the Progressions questions

Progressions can be divided into
Arithmetic Progression (AP)
Geometric Progression (GP)
Harmonic Progression. (HP)
Arithmetic Geometric Progression. (AGP)

Arithmetic Progression (AP)

In Arithmetic Progression, the successive terms always has a constant difference between them. The example of an AP is given below.

1,3,5,7,9…….This is an AP series with first term (a or t1)=1 and the constant difference (common difference or cd)=2.
2,4,6,8,10…… This is an AP series with first term (a or t1)=2 and the constant difference (common difference or cd)=2.

The nth term for an AP with first term =‘a’ and cd=’d’ is
tn =a+(n-1)d.
The sum of first n terms of an AP is

Take the case of AP,2,4,6,8,10……

The 5th term can be found out by
t5=2+ (5-1)2
As we can see from the series the 5th term is indeed 10.

The sum of first 5 terms can be found out by

Also we can see that sum of first 5 terms are 2+4+6+8+10=30.

Arithmetic Mean (AM)

AM of an AP with terms a and b is AM = (a+b)/2.
Between two terms of an AP we can put any number of AMs.

Suppose we need to put 4 AMs between a and b.,
Now the total number of terms in AP is 6.
Now the common difference in the AP is (b-a)/(4+1)= (b-a)/5..

Properties useful in solving questions in APs
If in an AP, mth term is n and nth term is m, then (m+n)th term is always zero.
Eg. Consider the AP 4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2…..
1st term is 4 and 4th term is 1,therefore (4+1) term ie 5th term ,according to the property should be 0.We can see that the property holds true here.

If in an AP, sum of first m terms is equal to sum of first m tems, then sum of first (m+n) term is always zero.
Eg. Consider the AP -2.-1,0,1,2,…..
Sum of first 1 term is -2.
Sum of first 4 terms is -2.
Therefore according to property, sum of first (1+4) ie 5 terms should be 0.
We can verify that the property holds true.

Geometric Progression (GP)

In Geometric Progression, the successive terms always has a constant ratio between them. The example of an GP is given below.

1,3,9,27,81…….This is a GP series with first term (a or t1)= 1 and the constant ratio (common ratio or cr)=3.
2,4,8,16,32…… This is a GP series with first term (a or t1)= 2 and the constant ratio (common ratio or r)=2.

The nth term for an GP with first term =‘a’ and common ratio=’r’ is
tn =ar^(n-1)
The sum of first n terms of a GP is
Sn=a{r^(n-1)/(r-1)} r>1
Sn = a{r^(n-1)/(1-r)} r<1

Geometric Mean (AM)

GM of a GP with terms a and b is GM = (a*b)^0.5
Between two terms of an GP we can put any number of GMs.

Suppose we need to put 4 =GMs between a and b.
Now the total number of terms in =GP is 6.
Now the common ratio of the GP is (b/a)^(4+1)= (b/a)^0.5

But in Competitive exams like CAT,GMAT etc, in GP, sum to infinity is more significant than sum of n terms.
Sum to infinity of GP is infinity if r>1,so the cases where, r<1 only we will get a definite sum.
Sum to infinity of a GP with first term,a and common ratio,r is

Eg. Find the sum to infinity of the series 1,1/2,1/4,1/8,1/16…….

Harmonic Progression

If a,b,c are in Harmonic Progression(HP),then 1/a,1/b,1/c are in AP.
This is the standard definition of an HP.

Also we have the general rules
1. AM>=GM>=HM
2. GM^2=AM*HM

Strategies for solving problems in Progressions.

In all questions that has Tn and Sn variable, n, always put values for n and check for the answer option.

Always try to make up a progression satisfying the conditions given in the questions and solve that progression only instead of doing with unknown numbers.

Suppose we need to take one AP,one GP and one HP having 3 terms with same first and last terms,then we an take the following progressions,

AP: 1, 2/3,1/3 cd=1/3
GP : 1,1/(3^.5),1/3 cr=1/(3^.5)
HP: 1,1/2,1/3 HM=1/2.

Find the 625th term of the series 1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5………

Analysing the series, we see

Last 2 is the 3rd term ie 2*3/2
Last 3 is the 6th term ie 3*4/2
So we got the pattern,Last n will be the n(n+1)/2 th term
Also the previous n terms will be same,n only.

So if we consider,the case of 625th term, consider 35*36/2 gives 630.
Means 630th term will be 35,also previous 35 terms will be same 35 only.
So our answer is 625th term is 35.

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Oppertunities in SBI




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Important Tips for Effective Resumes

If one plans heading out of the front door for finding a new job, they would need a good resume to plant that foot in somebody else’s door. It is surprising about the number of mistakes which are made in sending the resume. These would however not be made now with the following tips for better resumes.

Resume Tip 1 - Be Neat

Some job seekers drop in resumes with the coffee stains and some wrinkles creating huge mess. If one is looking for jobs, they need to see as though they could handle being employees. If you would never turn in the weekly sales report in sheets of toilet paper then why on earth will you send a resume which is not presentable?

Some standard grade office paper for printing the resume on along with a matching envelope would always make good sense. It would not cost you too much, but would keep the resume from landing up in trash.

Keep the size of the font fairly large, around 12 points is standard and also easy to read. It is not the time for any fancy lettering or the bold type. A person needs to look crisp and clean; not like trying to get the reader to hire you right away, even if you actually are towards that.

Resume Tip 2 - Corrections

A way to get the resume to the nearest bin of trash is by having many spelling and grammatical errors in it. One need not have a degree in the English language for sending in a perfect resume. People should run a spell check program for reading through the sentences quite a few times and ensure that they are not missing any words or are saying things that they do not mean.

A right way of handling this is by reading the resume backwards. It does sound quite odd, but perhaps helps to stop the brain from skipping the words. We need to focus right so as to read text backwards. This would help you to get hold of the errors more quickly.

Besides, another good way of finding mistakes is by reading aloud the text. One may find a quiet or a private area for doing this. You would be amazed about how different the words would sound. It is one of the good classic tips for the resumes taken from various writers as the computer screen would not always translate the content well.

Resume Tip 3 - Sending it to right people

As people send their resumes to companies without any direct person in address, they are as well sending resume to the trash bin of the company. One would need to spend few moments knowing who is the hiring head and this is well worth every effort.

You could just call in to the human resources department for seeing the person in charge of departments which you plan to apply for. Having one name for referring is a good way to leave impressions in people’s mind.

These are few simple tips for the resumes which are nearly guaranteed for getting the resume seen and also read. All you would now have to do would be starting to write it. And that is the easy part.

Thanking note:-
These tips are taken from an article by Abhishek Agarval,career consultant

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Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT)

IIFT provides world class education and training in international trade and business,besides having a premier Centre of Research.The institutes invites applications for MBA(International Business)degree programme being offered at Delhi &Kolkata campuses

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Kerala PSC-Examination Calender August 2009